Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I went to the gym today. That's a first for a while. My legs weren't too happy with me by the end of it, I can tell you that much. I'd draw a picture but really, I just don't feel like it. Just imagine two lumpy hamhocks screaming at you. That about does it. Actually..

Just like that.

Except both my legs.

Uhg see..this is what happens what happens when you go for dinner with your dorm mates and get into a heated discussion about Iron Man. You lose your focus. Now I don't know what the hell to say.

Oh I know. I have computer applications today. Not even computer science, computer applications. Three hour lecture course on how to do what I already know. And I am saying this with the utmost confidence here. I am not very good at the computering. I can blog, and stuff, and that's really about it. So when I say I already know this stuff, I mean, I know this stuff, you know this stuff, your grandma knows this stuff. I'm pretty sure my cat knows this.

"But what is this stuff you talk of Stephanie?"
Oh ho ho. You're in for a treat. This week I learn how to use Microsoft Word. Last week it was how to open a file, rename a file and delete a file. We almost got really fancy a few weeks back with a blueray but that was obviously beyond our spectrum of learning. 

Last week I watched The Dark Knight, this week is Iron Man 2. I'll bet you I pass this test coming up too.

Wish me luck. Not for the test. For my sanity.

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